The Right Setting Test
If a caretaker is impelling you to stop doing something, you can test what kind of person they are by saying something like this: "Caretaker, instead of yelling, taking away my toys, or hurting me, would you just tell me the reason I shouldn't run around without clothes? If you don't think it's the right setting now, would you tell me when it would be the right setting?" Different types of people might respond differently:
- “Are you stupid?” or “Now you are just trying to be a brat!” is something a Misguided Person might say.
- “Never,” or “When I say so,” is something a Pretending Person would say (Pretending People aren’t very good at imagining exceptions to rules).
- A Worker will hope you do not ask questions like these because talking or thinking about this sort of topic makes them uncomfortable. They don’t know what to say.
- A Worker or Learner might say the name of someone with control over what they do with their time. Perhaps this person could answer your question.
- “Oh, I never thought about that before,” is likely to be said by a Worker or a Wise Leader. “In the bathtub, when you’re alone only. You shouldn’t show other people your private parts,” is something a Worker or a Wise Leader in a hurry might say.
- A Wise Leader who is on the path to becoming a Self Guider might say, “One of the reasons people get upset when they see you without clothes is because it further keeps Bad Guys from being able to see all the good you could do for the world, and instead, makes them care about hurting you even less. People who see you without clothes are upset because they worry that they can’t stop the Bad Guys. They can, however, stop you from taking off your clothes. So, if we change things so the world is without Bad Guys, then it would be the right setting. Another reason may be because the people around you have waylock, and are unable to change how upset they feel when they see a child run around without clothes. It may be seen as best to upset the child running around without clothes than to upset the people who see them. In fact, they may have ways to impel someone's caretaker to stop their child from running around without clothes. Like sending their caretaker to jail. If we change it so people stopped trying to impel me to impel you to keep your clothes on, that would be another right setting. Another right setting could be to live with a group of people who all don’t want to wear clothes. Another right setting is if your clothes were on fire, or there was some other kind of emergency.”
- A true Self Guider might say, “You are right; now is the right setting for you to run around without clothes!” and then they would 1. stop all the Bad Guys, 2. let the people with waylock be upset and, 3. stop all the people who try to put them in jail for letting you take off your clothes.